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HP OpenVMS Systems

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locating ECO kits given name?

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The Question is:

We are experencing problem in implementing fast I/O. It has been suggest to
apply following patches: ALPSYS03_71, ALPSYS11_071, ALPSHAD03_071. I have
tried at ftp download site
But these patches are not available there.
Where can I find these patches.
Thanks and Regards

The Answer is :

  http://search.service.digital.com/ has a search engine that can allow you
  to locate current ECO kits based on the names of kits that have been
  If you cannot locate an ECO kit under a specified name, that typically
  indicates that the ECO kit has been superceded.
  ALPBASE02_071, ALPSYSA02_071, and ALPSHAD04_071, are (at the time the
  Wizard writes this) more recent than the ECO kits cited in your question.
  Also available are the periodic consolidated ECO distribution kits:
    QT-3CQAA-C8      OpenVMS Alpha
    QT-3CRAA-C8      OpenVMS VAX

answer written or last revised on ( 4-JAN-1999 )

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