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HP OpenVMS Systems

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lib$spawn and lib$set_symbol in detached process?

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The Question is:

DEC Wizard,
Heres the situation:
- I have a (FORTRAN) program that sequentially uses calls to LIB$SPAWN,
- Ive confirmed the succesful working of the program in an interactive
- When the program executes as an ACP, the SYS$CREPRC call returns with a
sucessful return code and the steps in the created process work fine.
  The LIB$SPAWN and the LIB$SET_SYMBOL calls however, do not return
Are there any special restrictions to the use of LIB$SPAWN and
LIB$SET_SYMBOL,(as oppossed to using SYS$CREPRC) when a program using these
is executing as an ACP?
Appreciate the help

The Answer is :

  lib$spawn, lib$set_symbol, and other related calls require access to
  a command line interpreter (CLI), such as DCL.  Also check how your code
  handles errors returned from these calls, as the usual condition value
  returned by these calls in this case (NOCLI) should clearly indicate the
  You can use sys$creprc in place of lib$spawn, as the symbol and logical
  name propogation provided by lib$spawn is (obviously) unnecessary here.
  (Without a CLI, there are no symbols, and the creation of any logical
  names in supervisor or other inner mode requires enhanced privileges.)
  If you wish the ACP to create symbols or to execute DCL commands, you
  will need to become familiar with the invocation of the LOGINOUT.EXE
  image.  (See the OpenVMS FAQ for an introduction to this image.)

answer written or last revised on ( 4-JAN-1999 )

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