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HP OpenVMS Systems

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configuring a modem on OpenVMS?

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The Question is:

Let's see if you can help me successfully again.
System: AlphaServer 2100a, OpenVMS 7.1
I have disconnected my VT420 terminal from
serial port OPA0 and have configured it per
"Using a Modem with your VAX" documentation.
I can run set host/dte OPA0 and talk to the modem
fine.  My problem is when the modem answers a
call, I get the following error message:
"OpenVMS host system modem not wired correctly"
I have swapped modems and cable with the modem
I have configured on the other serial port and
still get same problem. (The modem on TTA0 works
just fine)
My guess is I the OPA0 port is configured
incorrectly, but am at a loss on where to proceed.
The "show term" settings for both ports, TTA0 and OPA0 are identical.
The only other thing that I can think of that I
have not done is rerun SYSGEN.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jeff

The Answer is :

  There is an extensive existing discussion of wiring modems present here in
  Ask The Wizard.  (Use the available search engine, or check the titles.)
  Central to any such effort is the availability of a serial line diagnostic
  tool known as a "breakout box", and knowledge of the basic operations of
  the modem control signals.  You will also need to know if the serial line
  controller(s) in question -- the console OPA0: port typically does not --
  have support for limited modem control, and if the cabling in question has
  enough wires to support limited modem control.  You will also need to
  compare the wiring and settings requirements for your modem with those
  expected by OpenVMS.
  There are two types of modem control settings: limited, and full.  Limited
  modem control is fully capable of doing what you need, and is the most
  appropriate modem control choice in most cases.
  The SYSGEN utility is not particularly associated with controlling modem
  control settings, though it can be used to adjust parameters used to set
  up the default settings for all terminal devices on the system, and it
  can be used to autoconfigure or manually configure terminal controllers.
  In your case, SYSGEN is very likely not relevent to the task at hand.
  As mentioned, the OPA0: console on most VAX and Alpha systems does not
  have software and/or hardware support for modem control.  The AlphaServer
  2100 series is among the majority of VAX and Alpha systems, and it lacks
  modem control support on the console serial line.  As an alternative in
  the specific case of the AlphaServer 2100, if you do not have the console
  set to serial (via the console environment variable) and if you can run
  OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 or later, the same AlphaServer 2100 serial lines will
  be configured as standard terminal lines, and will have modem control.
  Again, please see the existing discussions of configuring modems.

answer written or last revised on ( 5-JAN-1999 )

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