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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DNS? (Distributed Name Services)

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The Question is:

What is DEC DNS and where can I get more information on the product?

The Answer is :

  There are several different things that are called "DNS".  Most are
  Distributed Name Services, and the Wizard will assume this question
  is about Distributed Name Services.
  DNS packages available for OpenVMS include those in DECnet-Plus (also
  known as DECdns), the DNS package available in TCP/IP Services for
  OpenVMS, and the DNS package available as part of the Distributed
  Computing Environment (DCE) package.
  Each DNS implementation is compatible with the particular DNS used in
  that particular network environment -- it is quite possible to have one
  or more parallel DNS environments operating on the same network.
  For information on these DNS packages, please see the relevent Software
  Product Descriptions (SPDs) and documentation for DECnet-Plus, for the
  TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS package, and for the DCE package.

answer written or last revised on ( 5-JAN-1999 )

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