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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Clearing process wedged in resource wait?

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The Question is:

How can I delete a process that is in RWAST state?  Or, how can I tell what
resource it is waiting on?

The Answer is :

  Mutual exclusion and resource wait states can arise for a variety of
  reasons, ranging from quota-related problems to quota leaks to kernel
  mode programming errors -- rebooting is generally the only sure way
  to clear up a process wedged in one of these states.
  The Internals and Data Structures manual -- available from Digital
  Press at http://www.bh.com -- provides the background necessary to
  understand and to resolve some of these problems.
  DECamds can sometimes be used to clear processes wedged due to
  insufficient quota(s).  If the process has a quota leak, clearing
  the current problem is obviously only a temporary fix.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-JAN-1999 )

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