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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Network controller support?

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The Question is:

I have quiet a few AXP/VAX systems ranging
from OpenVMS 5.5-2 to 6.2 and i'm in
the process of upgrading them to OpenVMS 7.1.
I heard that some of the network cards are
not supported under V7.1.
1. Can anybody give me a list of unsupported
   network cards?
2. Is there a way of knowing the card's model
   form within the VMS (DCL Commands)?

The Answer is :

  The Wizard is unaware of network cards that have gone to unsupported
  status, beyond the well-publicised retirement of the Q-bus DEQNA
  Ethernet controller support circa V5.5.
  The Wizard is aware that certain wide-area network controllers and
  certain network communications packages now require DECnet-Plus.
  For information on the supported controllers, please see the OpenVMS
  Software Product Description (SPD) associated with the particular
  OpenVMS release of interest.
  Information on the specific network controller is usually easiest to
  gather by directly examining the network card, though SHOW DEVICE/FULL
  on the network device will also typically display the model of network
  controller.  ANALYZE/SYSTEM followed by CLUE CONFIG can also help.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-JAN-1999 )

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