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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Wiring modems?

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The Question is:

Incomming & outgoing calls ???
I've got modem Motorola ModemSURFR connected to Alpha via DEC200 terminal
server (full modem cable!!!)
... set term /ttsync/hostsync/hangup/disconn...
Server:  dynamic access, signal check, flow control XON, ...
Modem: s0=1, ignore DTR, XON/XOFF flow ctrl,...
Now, if I set server port to MODEM CONTROL
my modem will answer the calls and works ok,
but I cannot connect to the port from the inside (from Alpha), so I cannot
place outgoing calls.
If I disable MODEM CONTROL on the server, I can
call out, but the modem won't answer the calls (except if I disconnect the
modem from the server for a second, but in this case I'd need a full time
employee to do that :-( ),
so I cannot accept incomming calls ???
The old modem Motorola UDS V.32b42i WAS DOING
OK both ways with the MODEM CONTROL disabled on the server plus with the
same settings of term. and other settings of server port.
By the way i also tried to SET TERM/MODEM, but get:
%SET-W-NOTSET, error modifying LTA5012:
-SYSTEM-E-UNSUPPORTED, unsupported operation or function
Do I have to load additional driver or what???
I'd really appreciate your help because the little   ...  is driving me
                      Thank you very much,
                                Borut Kurnik

The Answer is :

  Having the same modem used for both incoming and outgoing calls is
  a security risk.
  The remote diagnosis of modem configuration problems and of wiring
  problems in general is difficult at best -- this generally requires
  access to the documentation for the specific device, as well as to
  a serial line analyzer (breakout box) connected into the wiring.
  The Wizard will assume this is a DECserver 200/MC device.
  The DECserver port must be set for the type of access allowed,
  particularly remote (or both) access must be permitted.
  The modem will need to correctly generate and receive DTR and DSR
  to both correctly answer (when the DECserver host is available)
  and correctly drop incoming calls (when a call drops, the host will
  be notified and will commence a logout or DISCONNECT operation).
  Please contact your local Compaq Customer Service office for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 18-JAN-1999 )

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