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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Making a printer stop printing?

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The Question is:

I just installed a new HP LazerJet 6L for my IBM computer,
Whenever I turn the machine on and put paper in the tray
it repeatedly prints a test page (over and over) without
a command to do so.  I cannot find anything to make it stop!

The Answer is :

  Contact the folks supporting the HP LaserJet or the operating system
  running on your IBM computer -- not OpenVMS -- for assistance with this.
  The OpenVMS operating system is not supported on IBM computers.
  You can stop the output of the test pages through a variety of
  mechanisms, though pulling the power plug seems most appropriate.
  Other solutions for stopping the output range from the application
  of suitable quantities of appropriate munitions to dropping either
  the computer or the printer out of earth orbit -- among other options.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-JAN-1999 )

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