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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party SCSI device support?

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The Question is:

OpenVMS support for Iomega ZIP drive (SCSI) ?
In this "Ask the Wizard" exchange:
you discuss device configuration for an Iomega JAZ
drive.  What can you tell us about configuring a
100Mb Iomega ZIP drive (SCSI) for use with OpenVMS ?
The OpenVMS workstations I use are (1) an Alpha
workstation 600au (OpenVMS 7.1-1h2) and (2) a
VAXstation 4000 model 60 (OpenVMS 6.1), but given
how inexpensive the SCSI Iomega-ZIP drives are,
I'd imagine there are many VMS users who would be
interested in how to attach them to VAX or AXP
running OpenVMS.

The Answer is :

  Please see the existing discussions here in Ask The Wizard around the
  implications of connecting and operating third-party SCSI devices on

answer written or last revised on ( 25-JAN-1999 )

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