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HP OpenVMS Systems

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unsuitable disk cluster factor?

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The Question is:

I have a MicroVax 3400 Series system and have just installed a RF73 disk
into the system.  I am trying to initialize this disk, so that I can get it
ready to install OpenVMS V6.2.  But when I try to initialize the disk I am
receiving the following error "
%INIT-F-CLUSTER, unsuitable cluster factor"    I also get this error when I
try to do the following "Backup/image/verify device:VMS062.B/SAVE_SET
Could you please tell me why I am getting this error.
Laurie Kerrigan

The Answer is :

  The error typically refers to an attempt to use a disk cluster factor
  (INITIALIZE/CLUSTER_SIZE) that is too small for the total size of the
  target disk.  Larger disks require larger disk cluster factors -- with
  V7.2 and later, changes to the file system do permit smaller cluster
  factors to be chosen, but the required disk cluster factor will still
  increase as the total disk size increases.
  The Wizard would expect that an INITIALIZE command with appropriate
  and /SYSTEM would be accepted.
  Once you have initialized the disk, use the /NOINITIALIZE qualifier
  on the BACKUP command:
  Where ddcu: is the source (kit) disk and rfcu: is the target disk.

answer written or last revised on ( 29-JAN-1999 )

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