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HP OpenVMS Systems

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RZ28L SCSI disk on VAXstation 4000?

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The Question is:

I recently purchased an RZ28L disk drive. It has been installed into a
vaxstation 4000-60.
At the config prompt it is properly recognized.
When the system is booted up we see the disk offline. When we init the disk
we get a fatal drive error. Is the rz28l supported in this configuration. I
have a 2GB disk installed on a vaxstation 3100 model 10. Not sure of the
exact model but it works fine
there. I think it may be rz28.

The Answer is :

  You will want to check the error log for additional information on the
  specific error being reported.
  There is no VAXstation 3100 model 10, and system disks larger than 1.073
  GB do not "work fine" on any member of the VAXstation 3100 series, nor
  on the MicroVAX 3100 model 10, nor on the MicroVAX 3100 model 20.  Data
  disks can be larger on these systems.  (See the OpenVMS FAQ for details,
  and for other potentially limits.)
  As for the problem with the RZ28L, some of these disks can be sensitive
  to the length of the SCSI reset pulse used on the VAXstation 4000 series.
  This could be a case of SCSI disk settings that are incompatible with an
  OpenVMS release as old as that referenced here -- both OpenVMS V6.2 and
  V7.1 have changes to the SCSI disk drivers that improve compatibility
  with a variety of drive settings, it is best to move to at least V6.2.
  The most common problem operating with SCSI disks on OpenVMS releases
  prior to OpenVMS V6.2 is the setting of the ARRE and AWRE bits in the
  disk mode pages -- older OpenVMS releases require these to be disabled.
  The Wizard would recommend contacting your local hardware support
  organization for further assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-FEB-1999 )

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