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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Printing LN03 files via DCPS on HP4000?

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The Question is:

LN03 and HP4000 printing
I have read alot of questions/answers regarding printing to an HP4000N
printer.   I have a number of 'home grown' programs written in DTR that have
LN03 escape sequences imbedded, esp for BOX DRAWING.   I have DCPS-Basic
v.1.5 installed and have successfu
lly created a queue for the HP printer.   HOWEVER, the box drawing does not
work.   Will the DCPS-Open or DCPS-Plus support this function?   I've found
a hardware solution, but it's quite expensive per printer.

The Answer is :

  You will need to determine if there is a converter for the "box drawing"
  character set (Tektronix, PPL ANSI, or Sixel) to Postscript, or you will
  need to determine if there is a "box drawing" character set for the ASCII
  or ISO Latin1 mode (if such a thing is available) on the HP printer.
  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center -- expect to be asked
  the first few characters of the file, and for a DIRECTORY/FULL of the
  file.  (These characters and attributes will typically identify the
  particular print file format.)

answer written or last revised on ( 2-FEB-1999 )

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