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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party SCSI device integration?

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The Question is:

We have numerous microvax 3100's in the field - some with RZ-24E Drives and
some with RZ-24L Drives.  We need to increase the disk capacity of these
machines.  We successfully added the Seagare Barracuda ST-32550N to the
Systems in which the RZ-24L was th
e System Disk.  The situation is different in the Systems in which the
System Drive is the RZ-24E. In the latter systems, an attempt to init the
added Seagate Drive results in "Fatal Drive Error".
What am I looking at?
Thanks in advance.

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard is not in a position to assist with the integration
  and testing of third-party SCSI storage widgets.  Please see existing
  discussions on this topic here in Ask The Wizard.  Also please see the
  discussions in the OpenVMS FAQ around the oldest of the MicroVAX 3100
  series and the 1.073 GB capacity limitation.  The Wizard would also
  recommend OpenVMS VAX V6.2 and later for best results with random
  third-party SCSI widgets.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-FEB-1999 )

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