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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Customizing PRINT behaviour?

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The Question is:

Is it possible to send a print job to two printer queues with one "PRINT"
The imaginary VMS command would be:
$ print/queues=(LA01,LA53)  login.com
-or- better yet...
$ print/queue=double  login.com
where queue double points to queues LA01 and LA53.
Thank-you for your help.

The Answer is :

  Certainly!  Just define your own command:
  Hint: the hash sign allows qualifiers to be appended to the command;
  qualifiers would otherwise be interpreted as (only) those qualifiers
  on the "@" command itself.
  Now all you have to do is write the procedure.  Parse out the /QUEUE
  and similar qualifiers, and decide if the procedure should direct
  the job to one or to several printers.
  The implementation is left as an exercise for the reader.
  Hint: various lexical functions, especially F$ELEMENT, can be useful.
  Another -- and somewhat more involved approach -- entails creating a
  custom print symbiont that performs the required enqueuing task(s).

answer written or last revised on ( 15-FEB-1999 )

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