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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party SCSI Storage (Iomega Zip)?

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The Question is:

Has anyone written a driver to allow an Iomega
Zip drive to be used with OpenVMS? (A SCSI

The Answer is :

  Please see the previous discussions around support of third-party disks.
  Particularly see the discussions around the SCSI ARRE and AWRE "error
  recovery" selectors -- OpenVMS requires specific settings (disabled)
  prior to V6.2, and has yet more tolerance in OpenVMS V7.1 and later.
  For previous discussions on this topic, please see the www.dejanews.com
  archives -- examples include the discussion of a set of patches worked
  out by Wolfgang J. Moeller for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 -- these patches are
  available at ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/vms/dk-552/.
  The Wizard has not tested this patch, nor can the Wizard or OpenVMS
  Engineering recommend nor support this patch.
  OpenVMS V7.1 and later tend to have better tolerance for weird SCSI
  widgets -- various customers have commented on their reported ability
  to access these drives using OpenVMS V7.1.
  The Wizard has not tested this patches, nor can the Wizard recommend
  these patches.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-FEB-1999 )

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