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HP OpenVMS Systems

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INSFMEM insufficient dynamic memory?

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The Question is:

I've been geeting the following message on the console: -SYSTEM-F-INSFMEM,
insufficient dynamic memory
Does this mean that PAGEDYN is too low?  If so, how would I know to increase
it to what figure.  I've run
autogen and it didn't try to increase PAGEDYN based upon recent usage.

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard would recommend cleaning the unsubstantiated dreck
  out of MODPARAMS.DAT, and then running several passes of AUTOGEN over
  several weeks, with FEEDBACK enabled and with the typical system load
  in operation.
  The INSFMEM message can arise from a variety of sources: culprit
  quotas and parameters can include PGFLQUOTA, PAGEDYN, NPAGEDYN, and
  potentially CTLPAGES and CLISYMTBL.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-FEB-1999 )

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