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TCP/IP Services as NTP time server?

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The Question is:

I have the need to synchronize an Alpha 2100, with a cluster made up with
another Alpha 2100 and an Alpha 4100.
As I cannot stop the system until not having all proven, I made some tests
between an AlphaServer 400 (acting like server) and
one PC (acting like client).
All the Alpha machines have OpenVMS 6.2-1H3 with an UCX version:
"DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS AXP Version V3.3 - ECO Level 7"
I configured the NTP server in the following way:
"local-master 10"
Also I proved adding:
nevertheless when running the client, I obtain the following result:
"Time server clock was last synchronized on Thursday, February 07, 2036
"Server Date & Time: Tuesday, January 01, 1972 13:39:39"
Why I do not see the real date and time of the server ?
Lack something in the configuration file (UCX$NTP.CONF)?
Thank you in advance
Daniel Ulman

The Answer is :

  Please see existing discussions of configuring TCP/IP Services
  NTP as a time server here in Ask The Wizard.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-OCT-1999 )

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