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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Mixing Phase IV and DECnet-Plus routing?

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The Question is:

I have AXPs with two NICs.  One NIC points to a
DECnet Phase IV/NSP only internal network, and
the other NIC points to an OSI only external
The internal network has a Phase IV prefix of
43:14135354326: in DECnet area 45, resulting in
an OSI network+area of 43:14135354326:00-2d:
The external network does not route this
network+area; it routes
Whenever I attempt to form a connection on the
external network, DECnet-Plus chooses the first
OSI address tower (43:1413...:21) to use as the
source NSAP.  This cannot, however, be routed
back to me on the external network.
How can I configure DECnet-Plus to use the
appropriate local NSAP for the external network?
I have attempted to set the "osi transport
template ... local nsap =" for the templates
(including the DEFAULT template) but this does
not seem to have any effect.
I also, have attempted to influence the order of
the address towers with no success.

The Answer is :

  The OSI Transport Templates are only really useful for CONS -- not for
  CLNS, which is what you are using with 'normal' DECnet Routing.   The
  OpenVMS Wizard would accordingly not expect much success.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would assume you will need to use two different nodes,
  with one located on each network, or you will need to use a router that
  can perform address translation on one of the networks.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-JUL-1999 )

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