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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Servicing MOP requests over ATM connection?

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The Question is:

We are testing an ATM LANE Backbone and are trying to boot a DECServer (MOP)
across this
connection.  If we boot the server not through the ATM it works properly.
When we move
it to the other side (ATM) we can not get the server to download the code
(MOP).  A protocol
analyzer shows that we are send a MOPDL packet and receive a response but no
code downloads
and the termserver times-out.  We get the following message on the Alpha:
%%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  24-FEB-1999 00:04:54.50  %%%%%%%%%%%    (from node
ASH    at
24-FEB-1999 00:04:45.43)
Message from user DECNET on ASH
DECnet event 0.7, aborted service request
From node 28.4 (ASH), 24-FEB-1999 00:04:45.43
Circuit MNA-0, Line open error, Line communication error
%SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, device timeout
Node = 28.47 (DSV750), Ethernet address = 00-00-F8-52-0B-7F
Thanks for your help
Doug Bush

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq customer support center -- information
  on the specific ATM configuration will be required.

answer written or last revised on ( 26-FEB-1999 )

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