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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Why is the OpenVMS HTML documentation on port 81

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The Question is:

The firewall at a client's site is not configured
to allow HTTP access via port 81.  Is there a
particular reason that the online VMS documentation
at www.openvms.digital.com is only available via port

The Answer is :

          Any particular reason?  Yes, that is the port for the particular
          webserver being used to serve the documentation.  Does this help
          you?  No.  Will this particularly change?  Probably not in your
          timeframe.  Suggestions?  Acquire the OpenVMS documentation on
          CD-ROM -- the OpenVMS V7.2 CD-ROM documentation set can be read
          on OpenVMS and on other platforms.
          At the wizards urging the documentation server has been moved
          to port 8000 of the web server. There should be no firewall issues
          with this new port. So the documentation server is available at:

answer written or last revised on ( 12-MAR-1999 )

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