[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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Insufficient call arguments on login?

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The Question is:

when trying to login to our systems, we are getting a response of:-
Username: Trayford
Insufficient call arguments
%REM-S-END, control returned to node EVATS1::
We can however connect via the console without problem.
this system has been up for 10 days, the disks are not full and memory seems
to be OK.
Any ideas !
this is an important server, and therefore a fast response would be most
Andy T

The Answer is :

  Please determine exactly what DCL command sequence is used to create
  this process.
  Determine if the LGI_CALLOUTS system parameter is enabled, and if you
  have a problem in the specified LOGINOUT callout module (if LOGINOUT
  callouts are in use on your system).
  Determine if the OpenVMS terminal is (presumably incorrectly) set up
  with local echo -- this assumes that you are actually seeing the string
  "******" when you enter the password at prompt.  Local echo is an
  infrequently used feature of OpenVMS.
  Determine if AUTOGEN has been run on this system, and that LOGINOUT and
  related images are installed with their required privileges.  (AUTOGEN
  sets up the initial list of installed images, with the expected set of
  privileges.  It needs to be run at least once, and should be run with
  FEEDBACK enabled whenever the system load has changed.)
  Determine if there is anything interesting logged by security auditing
  in response to these failures.
  Specify /NOCOMMAND after the username.  (If the target username is
  marked as captive or restricted, disable this setting temporarily
  during this test.)
  Please contact the customer support center for further assistance in
  resolving this problem.

answer written or last revised on ( 26-FEB-1999 )

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