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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Serial Terminal performance? (DECforms)

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The Question is:

I support a pair of MicroVax 3100-80's with about 10 users on each. Problem
is that they complain about the screen refresh rate, which I have witnessed
being very slow. We are using Decforms and you can at times see the windows
being drawn. However, this
problem only manifests itself on real VT's (a mix of 320, 420 and 520's) but
not when using a Vaxstation, even over the WAN, where the screens draw
instantaneously. The VT's are hanging off Decserver 700's with the latest
images, but this problem is appar
ent even with a VT directly on a TT port. Are there performance issues
related to using Decforms on VT's, and is there anything that I can tune to
speed things up (tried running the VT's at 9600, 19200 and 115200 baud, with
no difference)
Many thanks

The Answer is :

  The Wizard is not aware of any particular DECforms issues.
  There is insufficient information here -- serial terminals are
  inherently slower than X Terminals, quite onviously.  Start with
  the performance management manual, specifically the discussions
  around I/O performance.
  Check for sufficient process quotas, and make sure the system
  has sufficient resources -- AUTOGEN with FEEDBACK -- and check
  the value of system parameters such as MAXBUF.
  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center.
  The version of DECforms will be of interest, as will the ECO level.

answer written or last revised on ( 4-MAR-1999 )

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