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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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The Question is:

I've been asked about the Y2K compliance of a number of DEC Printserver
printers.  The printers indicate they are running VAXELN 4.5 (or is that a
subset of VAXELN) and Compaq state VAXELN 4.6 is compliant.  The download
software is V5.1 which is the Y2K compliant version.
Does the fact the printers are running VAXELN 4.5 make them non-compliant or
is this an irrelevance?
Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

The Answer is :

  Please see the Ask The Wizard rule concerning Y2K questions, and
  please see the OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions for information
  on determining if hardware or software is Y2K ready.
  If you wish to discuss specifics of the internal implementation of
  hardware or software or have detailed questions around what the Y2K
  readiness indicates (or does not indicate), please contact the Compaq
  Customer Support Center directly.

answer written or last revised on ( 5-MAR-1999 )

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