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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECwindows Documentation?

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The Question is:

I am trying to learn about the New Desktop (CDE) on OpenVMS 6.2 on an Alpha.
I have the CDE installed which came with DECwindows Motif 1.2-4.  In section
1.8 of "Getting Started With the New Desktop", it says that the CDE
documentation set (which is NOT
the same as help on the CDE applications) in HTML format is included in the
DECwindows Motif kit.  However, I can't find that documentation set
anywhere.  I have searched the CDs for the binaries and the documentation,
and have also searched the system di
sk that Motif was installed on.  Section 1.8.2 of the same manual refers to
a "New Desktop CD-ROM" as the location of CDE manuals, but I never received
such a CD-ROM.  Where is the CDE documentation which section 1.8 says came
with the kit?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard does not have the referenced documentation to check.
  The online DECwindows Motif and DECwindows Motif CDE documentation set
  is included with the consolidated documentation CD-ROM set, and is also
  available online at:
  Hardcopy is also available.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-MAR-1999 )

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