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HP OpenVMS Systems

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SMTP and MX problems on OpenVMS VAX V5.4?

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The Question is:

Dear Wizard,
Perhaps this is not the proper venue to ask this question, but I have no one
else to turn to and my problem is very frustrating.
(It's getting hard to locate good VMS people and I'm relatively new on the
Digital scene.)
I am currently managing a MicroVax II system running VMS  5.4.  It is used
primarily to run old but important FORTRAN
research programs, but also has an internet connection for DECNET purposes
and user email.  Occasionally, we receive an
email message which gets stuck in the MX and SMTP queues and which will go
around and around and never get delivered to
the intended recipient. This process uses cpu time like mad and eventually I
must stop all mail processes and delete the
offending *.MSG* mail message to get the system back on it's feet.  I do not
know exactly what it is about these particular mail
messages that causes the system to effectively hang, but it seems to be
connected with form-letter type of mailings. As more
and more people use the internet, my woes are increasing exponentially!
Is there a easy fix or patch which would solve my problems and allow this
mail to get delivered?  I don't think the company
would spring for the cash required to upgrade this legacy system to a new
version of VMS--it's cheaper for them to have me
come in on my own time and restart the system!
Larry Webster

The Answer is :

  With no information on the specific IP package in use and no details
  of the specific errors, it is not possible to indicate what the problem
  might be -- there have been many changes and updates made over the years
  since V5.4 was current.
  Your system is older than the oldest supported OpenVMS VAX version:
  V5.5-2 is the oldest OpenVMS VAX release currently supported and is
  also the oldest release with a Y2K readiness kit available.  OpenVMS
  VAX V7.2 is the current OpenVMS VAX release, and it is Y2K ready.
  TCP/IP Services V5.0 is the current IP release for OpenVMS, though
  only a release in the V4.* vintage will be supported (with a Prior
  Version Support addendum) on a release as old as V5.5-2.
  There are ECO kits for various older TCP/IP Services releases
  available at the website.
  If this is not TCP/IP Services (formerly known as UCX), you will
  want to contact the vendor of the particular IP package in use.
  Short of writing a DCL procedure to detect these run-away mail jobs,
  applying available ECOs, or upgrading to more recent product releases,
  the OpenVMS Wizard does not have any particular suggestions that will
  assist you.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-MAR-1999 )

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