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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP Services Documentation?

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The Question is:

Hello Sir/Madam,
I am working with GPU Generation,Inc. Johnstown (Pa) on a project. We have
got 2 systems .. one is VAX 4100 with Open VMS 6.2 and UCX 2.0 and the other
system is Alpha system with Open VMS 7.1-1H1 with UCX 4.0.
As I don't have any free space on my VAX machine, I want to configure the
NFS ( which is there in UCX) on both the servers and I want to access the
diskspace of the Alpha server for VAX system's applications directly (like,
using the EXPORT utility of Ora
cle on VAX machine and the file generated by this EXPORT should be stored on
the Alpha server's disk).
Sir/Madam, as I am working on a project here and as we are not having
sufficient documentation of UCX-NFS configuration and its usage, I humbly
request you to guide me in the matter kindly..
Waiting for your valuable reply.
Mahesh S. Soundalgekar.

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard would not immediately recommend use of NFS for this
  stated purpose.  Rather, an OpenVMS Cluster would seem a far more
  appropriate solution.
  Please acquire the necessary product documentation -- you cannot be
  expected to use or manage the product without access to the necessary
  product documentation.
  Please seriously consider an upgrade, as TCP/IP Services V2.0 is
  very old -- V5.0 is the current release, with V4.2 (with ECO) being
  the release to use on OpenVMS V6.2.
  Please requisition and acquire the necessary disk space.

answer written or last revised on ( 15-MAR-1999 )

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