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Multiple IP Subnets? (Addressing)

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The Question is:

Multiple IP Addresses per NIC:
We(ADA County Sheriff) have been asked by 'County(Big Brother) to change all
our Client IP Address from 100.2.###.###/ to
It will probably take some time to physically touch all our clients and
change their IP Addresses... and during the interim, we'd like to have the
MIX of subnets be able to connect to our VAXen and Alpha.  On and NT box it
is possible to bind multible IP
Addresses to a single NIC - thus allowing subnetting on the network with out
a router.  Is it possible to bind multible IP addresses to a single NIC on a
I have tried several resources... with out any answers - other than 'why
Thanks in advance!
Daniel Bohner
ADA County Sheriff's Office

The Answer is :

  You will want to set up a pseudo-interface to use the same NIC.
  If you have we0 (from SHOW INTERFACE), you would want to create
  the wea0, wea1, etc., devices.
  Also, you will likely also want to enable IP forwarding (via SET
  The management guide should cover these topics.

answer written or last revised on ( 16-MAR-1999 )

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