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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP pseudo interfaces and PING?

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The Question is:

I have an AlphaServer 4100 with OVMS 6.2-1H3.
It runs DECnet IV (nonrouting IV) and UCX V4.1.
The configuration includes 2 Ethernet DE500-AA
cards. One is configured under DECnet as line
EWA-0. Both are configured under UCX as
interfaces WE0 and WE1 with different IP
addesses (on the same subnet). Everything works
fine when any of the cards are accesses via UCX
(PING, TRACERT, TELNET or FTP) from a PC located
 on the same subnet. It also works fine, but
only for the WE0 interface, when accessing it
from a PC located on a different subnet
(i.e. "behind a router"). The problem is that
any attempt to access (PING, TRACERT aso) the
WE1 interface from a PC located on a different
subnet (i.e. "behind a router") fails.
The WE0 interface uses the DECnet IV-modified
physical Ethernet (MAC) address while the WE1
uses the hardware one. Also, it seems that the
first interface to be declared/configured
(SET INTERFACE) is the one that becomes
"pingable" from another subnet (the one that
picks-up the DECnet IV-modified address?). IP
forwarding is disabled.
I've traced the packets addressed to the second
interface (WE1) from a PC located in another
subnet, and found they pass the router but no
answer is sent by the host software.
My first question: is that configuration
supposed to work or the two interfaces have to
be on different subnets (either hardware
implemented via an additional router or
software emulated via pseudo-interfaces and
interface routing)? And if the answer is "yes,
it should work as it is" I would be grateful
for any help/advice on solving this issue.
Thank you,

The Answer is :

  First acquire and install the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V4.1
  ECO kit, or (better) move to V4.2 and the current ECO kit.
  Then, if the problem persists, please contact the Compaq Customer
  Support Center directly.

answer written or last revised on ( 17-MAR-1999 )

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