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TCP/IP Service Process Priority?

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The Question is:

Setting base priority when establishing pseudo-terminals
The setup is:
 OpenVMS 7.1
 Digital TCP/IP V5.0
The following service has been set and enabled:
-----------------------------------------------Service: ISISLOGIN
                           State:     Enabled
Port:             2050     Protocol:  TCP             Address:
Inactivity:      10000     User_name: MDLSERVERS31    Process:  ISISLOGIN
Limit:               5     Active:      0             Peak:       1
Flags:        Listen
Socket Opts:  Rcheck Scheck
 Receive:            0     Send:               0
Log Opts:     None
 File:        not defined
 Reject msg:  not defined
 Accept host:
 Accept netw:
The purpose of this service is to establish a pseudo-terminal based
connection between a Wintel-client application and a database hosted by
The user MDLSERVERS31 has its base_priority set to 6 which should ensure
fast logins. This unfortunately is not the case as the pseudo-terimal
creation process for some reason runs with base_priority 0.
When establishing a connection "sh sys/own=mdlservers31" yields:
-----------------------------------------------0001D699 ISISLOGI_BG3101 LEF
7      390   0 00:00:00.20       242    210
0006EC9B mdl0001d6990000 LEF      7       10   0 00:00:00.02        85
0005C49C mdl0006ec9b0000 LEF      1       46   0 00:00:00.05       149
Where "sh proc/id=0005C49C/all" yields:
-----------------------------------------------19-MAR-1999 11:53:46.02
User: <login>         Process ID:   0005C49C
                          Node: CARNOT          Process name:
Terminal:           FTA901:
User Identifier:    [SUPPORT,MDLSERVERS31]
Base priority:      0
Default file spec:  Not available
Number of Kthreads: 1
When the login is finished the "User:" entry for example says "CVIN" and the
"User Identified" entry says: [SUPPORT,CVIN], and the base priority is set
to 4.
Is there some way I can control the intermediate base priority so logon's
can be performed fairly quickly, disregarding the current load?
Best regards
Christian Vind
Novo Nordisk A/S

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-JUL-1999 )

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