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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Serial lines and Modems?

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The Question is:

I have a client who wants to add in a 56 kb fax/data modem to his Alpha 2100
DP ( Dual processor only).
Can we add in ISABUS modem as the PCI ports are fill.
Also could we use a external 56kb modem on the two serial ports that exist
in the 2100. I looked up the documentation and they is no indication if
these are full or limited modem control.
Thanking you in Advance.
Paul Hunt
Dektronix Inc.

The Answer is :

  Please see the existing discussions of connecting up modems.
  Configuring external modems is generally easier than working
  with internal modems.
  Acquire a serial line breakout box at least for the duration of
  this work -- using a breakout box makes determining what signals
  are available and what signals are present far easier.
  AlphaServer 2100 series COM1 port is not generally used with modems,
  while COM2 has modem control.  (Discussions of the mapping of OPA and
  TT ports do change depending on OpenVMS version and settings -- when
  in doubt, connect a terminal, log in, and look at the device name.)
  DECservers are generally the best approach for configuring modem
  lines, particularly for configuring pools of modems, and when there
  are insufficient PCI controller slots available.
  DigiBoard provides PCI serial controllers, the Wizard is not
  particularly aware of EISA controllers.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-MAR-1999 )

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