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HP OpenVMS Systems

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System performance guidelines?

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The Question is:

We are determining if we need to upgrade above our Alpha 2100 platforms.  We
are looking at CPU utilization, Memory, and I/O.  We need to know the
suggested upgrade thresholds for these three catagories.  For example,  if
your CPU utilization is above 80%
 you should upgrade.  Is there any documentation stating these levels for
CPU, Memory and I/O utilization?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard is not aware of any specific "generic" recommended
  performance thresholds, as each installation can be quite different.
  Steady-state configurations may conceivably operate entirely as required
  at 100% system load.  Systems with wildly varying loads may hypothetically
  not operate as required at a 10% average load.
  You will want to determine if the present performance available meets
  your requirements, and if any expected changes in overall system load
  will cause your system configuration to continue to meet your performance
  See the performance management documentation for further information.
  That you are asking the question would appear to indicate you likely
  now need or will soon need an upgrade.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-MAR-1999 )

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