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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS TCP/IP PPP and Microsoft RAS?

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The Question is:

Greetings Master,
In our organisation we have DEC 3000 Alpha Server with OVMS 6.2-1h3 & UCX
4.1. This machine has direct Internet access through satel. line (ethernet)
and modem.
Is there any chance to use this machine for dial-up Internet access from
home PC in the same way as we use Windows NT with RAS Server.
If positive then where I can get more information on how to implement this?
With profound respect,

The Answer is :

  If the system is upgraded to OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 or later, and
  TCP/IP Services V4.2 (and ECO) or later, dial-in PPP is possible.
  Certain systems are known to require authentication to establish
  a connection, and this is not presently available with PPP on OpenVMS.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-JUL-1999 )

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