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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Multihead DECwindows and hyper-mouse-space jumps?

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The Question is:

Using DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-4 on a
desktop with three heads, the mouse seems to
jump randomly from one head to the wrong head.
For example, if you move the mouse between heads
0 and 1 several times, the mouse will suddenly
jump to head 2.  If you move it between heads 1
and 2 several times, it will suddenly jump to head
0.  And sometimes the mouse "hides" behind
windows.  Is there a patch for this?  How can I
locate patches for products from the COMPAQ/DEC
home page?
Thank you in advance.

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard has occasionally seen this with a dual-headed
  AlphaStation 255 with PowerStorm 3D30 graphics controllers.  Acquire
  and apply the available DECwindows ECO kit for V1.2-4, and check for
  Open3D or similar device-level ECO kits for your particular graphics
  If the problem persists after the ECO(s) have been installed, contact
  the Compaq Customer Support Center.  Expect to be asked the specific
  graphics controllers, and similar information.
  Information on locating ECO kits is available in the OpenVMS FAQ.

answer written or last revised on ( 25-MAR-1999 )

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