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HP OpenVMS Systems

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ASCII to EBCDIC, EBCDIC to ASCII? (tapecopy)

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The Question is:

We have a program tapecopy which was written
for VAX and we are having trouble porting it to
ALPHA. It calls ETRANS and BTRANS to translate
from EBCDIC or BCD to ASCII.  What would the ALPHA
equivelant to these be?

The Answer is :

  ETRANS and BTRANS are not OpenVMS routines, these were simple
  routines that used MOVTC and character tables to perform the
  specified translation.  (When asking questions, details of the
  general or expected function of the routine(s) is often useful.)
  For character set conversion routines, see the RTL manual, and
  specifically see the lib$tra_asc_ebc and lib$tra_ebc_asc calls.

answer written or last revised on ( 25-MAR-1999 )

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