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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Idle process killers?

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The Question is:

We have a lot of forgetful end users who wander
during the day leaving their terminals on. This
presents a secuity hazard as anybody could
sit down at the terminal and work there. Do you
know of any tools that would allow me to
automatically lock terminals that have been
idle for a certain amount of time or even
logout terminals that have been inactive for a
long time. Also where can I find these tools.
Thanks for your help.

The Answer is :

  Various "idle process killers" or terminal timeout programs have been
  available both from DECUS and from third-party vendors.  Some serial
  devices, such as terminal servers, may also have capabilities related
  to the detection and deletion of idle processes.
  hitman, watchdog, and zap are the names of several such packages.
  There have also been packages tied into the pause session capabilities
  of DECwindows, including DECUS packages such as xtermlock.
  If the forgetful users are in an application menu environment, the menu
  can potentially be extended to provide this capability.

answer written or last revised on ( 26-MAR-1999 )

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