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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Case-sensitivity with COPY/FTP?

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The Question is:

I am trying to copy files from VMS to DEC Unix
using COPY/FTP from a script (in order to save
the creation of a temporary command file for FTP
The problem is, the created files on the Unix
machine always end up lower-case.
The only hint I found was with
"HELP TCP_IP_Services Command_Syntax Quotation_Marks":
"Due to differences in OpenVMS and UNIX syntax, some command
lines require quotation marks for selected keywords. These
requirements apply to case sensitivity, slashes, and certain
special characters (such as &, =, and \)."
But quotation marks (alone?) do not preserve case as I found out.
This is how I call the COPY command:
COPY/FTP xx.yy"User secret"::"New.File"
The File will end up named "new.file" on the Unix server.
DIR/FTP however, seems to be case-sensitive, i.e.
DIR/FTP"User secret"::"New.File"
Will report: "%FTP-E-NOSUCHFILE, No such file New.File",
DIR/FTP"User secret"::"new.file"
will show the file.
Is there a way to make COPY/FTP preserve the case of the file name given on
the command line?
Thanks in advance,

The Answer is :

  Check the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS version and ECO level.
  If current, please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center
  for assistance in resolving this.
  One alternative would involve the use of NFS.

answer written or last revised on ( 30-MAR-1999 )

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