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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS and Windows networking? DNS? PATHWORKS?

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The Question is:

Being completely new to the VAx system and being completely Microsoft
Literate, I have little idea about the VAX system.
But I need to connect a Windows 95 PC to a VAX running ver 5.5 of VMS.
Where do I find the Node address and how will it find the VAx server if I
install Digital Pathworks 32 onto the PC???????

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard would encourage purusing the OpenVMS product
  documentation, and would recommend an OpenVMS upgrade to a rather
  more recent OpenVMS VAX version.
  Assuming a relatively recent version of the TCP/IP Services package
  (formerly known as UCX) is installed on the OpenVMS VAX system, you
  can obtain host information via the configuration tool (UCX$CONFIG)
  or directly via UCX commands such as the following:
  $ UCX
  If the UCX command fails, then you will need to acquire a license and
  install a TCP/IP package such as TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.  (Systems
  with a NAS prodcut license will typically have the ability to install
  and use packages such as TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.)
  As for how the PC locates the host address, this is generally performed
  via an explicit manual database entry in the PC data files for IP, or
  via the (prefered) DNS lookup operation.  This means that the name of
  the OpenVMS VAX system is entered into the DNS server.
  TCP/IP Services can act as a DNS server if so configured, and Microsoft
  Windows systems can be configured to access and use DNS to translate
  IP host names to host addresses.
  The version of OpenVMS in use (V5.5) is sufficiently old that support
  and features can become an issue -- OpenVMS VAX V7.2 is the current
  release.  Capabilities such as support for Microsoft COM and such are
  available starting with V7.2.
  The use of a PATHWORKS client will typically require the installation
  of a PATHWORKS server kit on the OpenVMS VAX system.

answer written or last revised on ( 30-MAR-1999 )

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