[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS Management and Bad Magic?

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The Question is:

HI !
I installed OpenVMS Management Station and it
work perfectly for some time. But now when i try
to start TNT Server i get next message in
MAGICF Bad magic number: 2128696512 (should be 34952)
** Processing terminated.
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling
 ************ TNT Server started at Thu Apr  1 10:35:31 1999
What is wrong?
                          Thank You , Zarko

The Answer is :

  There appears there might be a problem with the format of the TNT$MONITOR
  file, or with the TNT$ACS.DAT file.  As a one-time fix, try the following:
       $ @sys$system:tnt$shutdown
       $ delete sys$system:tnt$monitor.*.*
       $ delete sys$system:tnt$acs.dat.*
  Then restart the management station.
  If the problem persists or reoccurs after the above command sequence,
  please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center.  Expect to be asked
  for the contents of the TNT$SERVER_ERROR.LOG file.

answer written or last revised on ( 2-APR-1999 )

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