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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Determining OpenVMS version & ECO without booting?

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The Question is:

I am working in a software configuration management group.  Our problem is
maintaining control and identification of multiple VMS OS environments.  We
currently have requirements to maintain VMS for both alpha and VAX from 5.5
to current.  How can we dete
rmine what operating system version is installed on a disk WITHOUT booting
from it or otherwise modifying the contents.  Additionally, we would like to
be able to do this from either Alpha or VAX platforms.  Example:  I give you
a storageworks disk.  Tell
 me if it is alpha or VAX and the VMS version level without modifying the
contents.  Additionally, we would like to know what patches have been
407 / 951- 5718

The Answer is :

  There is presently no reasonable way to do this.
  The supported solution is to boot the disk and look.
  Within OpenVMS Engineering, BACKUP images of target operating system
  environments are cataloged and maintained, and are loaded onto scratch
  disks as required.

answer written or last revised on ( 2-APR-1999 )

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