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Daylight savings time? (TCP/IP)

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The Question is:

Is there a single coordinated daylight savings time change routine?
I did Utc$Configure_tdf.com.  I worked okay, changing the time and the
logical sys$timezone_differential.
The logicals  UCX$TDF, MCC_TDF, UCX$NTP_TZ  were not changed  (I haven't
looked at the C runtime library to see if that needs to be changed yet).
The NTP service set the time back to its previous value! (vms 7.1 ucx 4.2)
It looks like I have to:
1) stop NTP
2) do utc$configure_tdf.com
3) change MCC_TDF, UCX$DF, and UCX$NTP_TZ.
4) restart NTP.
(did I miss anything?)

The Answer is :

  You will want to remove the UCX$NTP_TZ logical name definition;
  for details, and review the TCP/IP Services Management manual
  looking for configuration information.
  C and the C library are based on the OpenVMS UTC calls.
  Also review the NTP logs -- UCX$NTP.LOG or TCPIP$NTP.LOG, depending
  on the version of TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.

answer written or last revised on ( 5-APR-1999 )

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