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HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP FTP connection refused?

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The Question is:

When trying to open a FTP connection to the Aplha 1000 we recieve the error
-> ftp: connect:Connection refused.  The service appears to be running.
Using UCX Version 3.?

The Answer is :

  Please first determine that the current version and ECO for TCP/IP
  Services are installed on the OpenVMS AlphaServer 1000 system, and
  then make certain that the system is configured to accept incoming
  FTP connections.  Then check to see if there are any FTP server log
  files created, and what (if anything) is written to them.
  At present, TCP/IP Services V4.2 is the current version for use on
  OpenVMS Alpha V6.2, and there is an ECO kit available.
  If these steps to not resolve the failure, please contact the Compaq
  Customer Support Center directly.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-APR-1999 )

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