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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Disk goes offline?

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The Question is:

During BACKUP command my target disk goes
offline, approx after 200MB. I have mounted
tape as source disk:
MOUNT/FOREIGN disk-device:
and HDD as target:
MOUNT/FOREIGN disk-drive:
I am trying to restore system disk image.
How to solve that offline problem ?

The Answer is :

  Disks going offline generally indicate a low-level software problem,
  a hardware configuration problem, or a hardware error.  Please check
  for and apply any available ECOs in the area of the SCSI device drivers,
  MOUNT, shadowing (if in use), and the file system (XQP and RMS), and
  contact your hardware support organization.

answer written or last revised on ( 16-APR-1999 )

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