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HP OpenVMS Systems

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IP telnet print queue stalls?

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The Question is:

I have several printers that need to be
accessed as a device I am able to do this with the following commands.
$ telnet /create_session 2501 104
$ define/system/exec omar2 tna104:
$ Set
NoForm TNA104
$ set prot=(w:rw)/device/owner=[system] tna104
THe problem is that after 1 minute the printer will no longer print.

The Answer is :

  Acquire and install the current ECO kit for the particular TCP/IP
  Services for OpenVMS release in use -- if not TCP/IP Services, please
  contact the vendor supporting the package in use -- and seriously
  consider an upgrade to OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 and TCP/IP Services V4.2
  or V5.0, with ECO.

answer written or last revised on ( 16-APR-1999 )

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