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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECdtss and too few servers?

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The Question is:

I have previously followed the advice given in
for disabling DTSS when no time servers are in use.
However, I have the following questions about the results:
1.  It seems that DTSS is only disabled temporarily; when
the system reboots, it is started again.  How can I disable
it permanently?
2.  Does DTSS change the system clock due to daylight
saving time?  This year, I modified the clock manually
on Apr 4 (I simply used SET TIME in this case).  A little
over a week later, my system experienced a bugcheck and
rebooted.  When it came back up, not only did DTSS start up
again, but it appears that it modified the TDF and bumped
the clock up another hour.  Here's the relevant
%%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  13-APR-1999 02:45:44.30  %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user SYSTEM on DIAMND
%DTSS-I-NOMSG, Message number 02958403
Note that the OPCOM message immediately before this has
a timestamp of 01:45:42.00
3.  Finally, if DTSS can perform DST adjustments
automatically, is there any way I can get this
benefit but still avoid the "too few servers"
message in OPCOM?

The Answer is :

  Please see the TIME information in the OpenVMS FAQ, particularly the
  sections on DTSS and NTP, and on the "too few servers" message.  The
  FAQ describes how to disable DTSS, and how to reset the system time.
  The FAQ also points to some of the available alternatives to DTSS,
  such as NTP.

answer written or last revised on ( 9-JUL-2001 )

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