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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Minimum OpenVMS version for VAX COBOL V5.5A?

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The Question is:

I have repeatedly tried other sources of information for the answer to my
question before I resorted to you so be gentle.
We are running a Payroll application on a MicroVax 3100-90, VMS 5.5-2.  Our
software vendor (ROSS Systems, Inc.) is requiring us to upgrade our COBOL
Compiler from 5.2-35 to 5.5, our COBOL Run Time Library from 5.1-003 to 5.4,
and our VAX C Run Time Libra
ry from 05-001 to DEC C 6.0.
Can we still run VMS 5.5-2 in this scenario, or will we be forced to upgrade
VMS to 6.1?
Thank you for providing such a valuable resource.

The Answer is :

  The Software Product Description for VAX COBOL V5.5A indicates that the
  minimum supported OpenVMS VAX version is V6.1.  (The oldest OpenVMS VAX
  versions with the availability of prior version support addenda are
  V5.5-2, V5.5-2H4, and V6.2 -- not V6.0, and not V6.1.  These releases are
  also the oldest OpenVMS VAX releases with Y2K readiness kits available.)
  Webpages of interest:
  In other words, upgrading to VAX COBOL V5.5A will also require an OpenVMS
  VAX upgrade to V6.2 or later, if a supported configuration is required.
  (OpenVMS VAX V7.2 is the current release, and -- once you upgrade past
  the changes made in OpenVMS VAX V6.0 -- there are few reasons not to
  upgrade to the most current OpenVMS VAX release.)
  OpenVMS upgrade paths are included in the OpenVMS FAQ.
  VAX COBOL V5.6 -- currently in external field test -- is expected to be
  supported on OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 and V5.5-2H4, and is also expected to
  be Y2K ready.  You will want to check with your vendor to determine if
  this configuration will be acceptable for their software.  The OpenVMS
  Wizard is not in a position to discuss the availability or scheduling
  of this release, and cannot presently commit to support on V5.5-2.

answer written or last revised on ( 20-APR-1999 )

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