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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Managing terminal servers? (NCP, NCL, LANCP)

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The Question is:

Recently I had our VAX system upgraded to version 7.1 from 6.2.  I had
Decnet Phase IV running but also had the Decnet Plus installed.  My question
pertains to the resetting of terminals servers and access terminal servers.
Under 6.2 I used the command s
XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX   I have attempted to use the MC NCP to do this under the
new 7.1 with the Decnet plus and have not been successful in connecting to
any of my terminal servers.  I would l
ike some information on the new means of connecting to terminals servers and
what section of the VMS manuals cover this.
Thanks in advance.

The Answer is :

  It is not possible to have both DECnet-Plus and DECnet Phase IV installed
  on the same system -- these packages are mutually exclusive.
  Terminal server management, as well as the initial load of the DECserver
  images and any necessary upline system dump from the DECserver are handled
  via the DECnet maintenance and operation protocol (MOP).
  DECnet MOP capabilities are available with DECnet Phase IV -- the command
  interface is NCP, with DECnet-Plus -- the command interface is NCL, and
  with the OpenVMS LANCP tool on OpenVMS V6.2 and later -- the command
  interface is LANCP.
  DECnet-Plus provides an NCP emulator, through which many existing command
  procedures and user commands that expect NCP can be successfully used.
  The emulator is not, however, a complete implementation of NCP.
  Terminal services do not run DECnet.  Solely for the purposes of MOP
  operations via the DECnet-based MOP implementations, the terminal servers
  are typically entered as DECnet nodes in the local DECnet node database.
  Options for connecting to the terminal server include LANCP -- use of
  existing DECnet Phase IV implementations with a migration to LANCP when
  moving to DECnet-Plus tends to be the prefered approach for the OpenVMS
  Wizard, as LANCP is entirely independent of the DECnet implementation
  chosen -- or via DCL command SET HOST/MOP available with DECnet-Plus.
  Information on the specific failure(s) will be required -- what happened
  when your attempts to connect to the terminal server were unsuccessful?

answer written or last revised on ( 21-APR-1999 )

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