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HP OpenVMS Systems

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The Question is:

How can I use Pathworks PWPrint over dial-up?
I would like to dial into my OpenVMS server and print to a locally attached

The Answer is :

    You do not indicate how you would be connecting to the OpenVMS
    system ("dial into my OpenVMS Server").
    DECnet or TCP/IP is used as the network transport between
    the OpenVMS system and the PC system for PWPrint.  If your
    'dial-up' connection utilizes one of these tranports, you
    should be able to use PWPrint functionality, once the
    necesssary software is installed and configured on the OpenVMS
    system and the PC.
    Refer to the PATHWORKS 32 Information Shelf (on-line), or
    to the PATHWORKS 32 User's Guide (hard copy) for information
    on PWPr3int.

answer written or last revised on ( 27-APR-1999 )

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