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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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Protection errors from Windows NT NFS Server?

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The Question is:

Dear Wizard,
Our organization uses Novell and NT as the
file servers.  I would like to have both our
Alpha and our VAX to use an NT box as its server.
I have DEC TCP/IP 3.2 - ECO Level 8.  I have
started NFS on Windows NT using Omni-NFS from
I have successfully mounted the NT NFS server on
to our OPEN VMS on the Alpha.  I am able to
copy and append files.  I can even open files
using EDIT.  My problem is that EDIT complains
of "insufficient priveleges or file protection
violation" when I tray to save
the contents.  Attempting to compile using DEC
FORTRAN also yields the same error.
The NFS directory is exported as Read and Write.
The same NFS mount works fine from an HP UNIX box.
Can you suggest a fix?
I would also appreciate information on an alt-
ernate approach to achieving the same goal (ie
NT file server for OpenVMS).

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS TCP/IP Services NFS Client is apparently requesting access to
  the Windows NT NFS Server package for write, and is being denied.
  Please contact the maintainer of the Windows NT NFS Server for assistance.
  With the assistance of the NFS Server, determine what sort of proxy
  mapping occurs, what sort of error or access control logging is available,
  and what the specific configuration requirements are.
  One obvious alternative would be to use the OpenVMS NFS Server -- possibly
  as part of an OpenVMS Cluster configuration -- and configure the Windows
  NT systems as clients.  Other approaches include the OpenVMS NTDS package.

answer written or last revised on ( 23-APR-1999 )

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