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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Invalid qualifier combinations now flagged?

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The Question is:

The Y2K patch for 6.2 causes my apps to fail because the sys$mount sharable
image from VMS 7.1. This version causes a "concliting qualifiers" error to
occur because 7.1, unlike 6.2, does not ignore the "/DENSITY" when
"/MEDIA_FORMAT=..." is specified.
Is there a patch for the patch? Or some configuration setting to make the
7.1 image behave like the 6.2 version?
What I'm ending up with is a system that ran fine and passed Y2000 tests
with blazing colors UNTIL I applied the VMS Y2K patch. Then my apps start
failing miserably.
Please help,
Wayne Seguin

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center.
  Combinations of /DENSITY and /MEDIA_FORMAT are invalid.

answer written or last revised on ( 27-APR-1999 )

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