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HP OpenVMS Systems

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The Question is:

I need to know the difference between OpenVMS 6.2 and OpenVMS 6.2-1H3. Is it
possible to install the Y2K patches directly to 6.2 without upgrading it to
1H3 ?

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Alpha Y2K readiness kit can be applied on OpenVMS Alpha V6.2.
  (Please see the OpenVMS FAQ for details and pointers to Y2K readiness
  There is absolutely no reason and absolutely no benefit to installing
  the OpenVMS Alpha V6.2-1H3 release -- or any other "hardware release"
  -- on any system or configuration that is not explicitly first supported
  by that particular hardware release.
  Hardware releases do not contain a general roll-up of ECO kits.
  Hardware releases should not be assumed to contain anything other
  than the specified new hardware or new configuration support.
  The only ECOs that are incorporated in a hardware release are those
  that are expressly necessary to prevent a regression -- that is, only
  those ECO kits that modify specifically the files that were also
  modified for the new hardware or new configuration support are
  included in the hardware release.
  This scheme prevents regressions, while avoiding increased kit size
  and complexity, and it avoids the installation of unrelated ECOs as
  part of the hardware release.

answer written or last revised on ( 29-APR-1999 )

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